Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Vaccination Coverage in Australia, 2001 to 2002

This section of the website contains the supplement on Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Vaccination Coverage in Australia, 2001 to 2002 (produced by the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases)

Page last updated: 26 November 2004

Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 28 Supplementary Issue No 2 - December 2004

Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Vaccination Coverage in Australia, 2001 to 2002

Julia Brotherton, Peter McIntyre, Michele Puech, Han Wang, Heather Gidding, Brynley Hull, Glenda Lawrence, Raina MacIntyre, Nicholas Wood, Donna Armstrong
National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases

The Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Vaccination Coverage in Australia, 2001 to 2002 is available here as a full document as a PDF file 2,049KB or in HTML and PDF format by chapters below.

The charts may also be downloaded as a MS PowerPoint presentation (two files) (ZIP file 285KB).

Table of contents

List of Tables and Figures



    Executive summary
      (Executive summary, acknowledgements and abbreviations also available as a PDF file 52KB)


      (Introduction and Methods also available as a PDF file 58KB)

      Vaccine preventable diseases
      (Also available as a PDF file 1226KB)

      Vaccination coverage
      (Also available as a PDF file 532KB)

      (Also available as a PDF file 76KB)

      (Also available as a PDF file 65KB)
        Appendix 1: Historical charts of notifications of vaccine preventable diseases
        (Also available as a PDF file 478KB)
          Appendix 2: Notifications by State/Territory and year (January 1997–December 2002)
          (Also available as a PDF file 84KB)

          Appendix 3: Hospitalisations by State or Territory and financial year (July 1997–June 2002)
          (Also available as a PDF file 87KB)

          Appendix 4: Changes to the Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule (1992–2002)
          (Also available as a PDF file 55KB)

          Appendix 5: Vaccination funding in Australia
          (Also available as a PDF file 46KB)

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