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Register now - it's time to act
Australia and the rest of the World Health Organization's Western Pacific Region (WPRO) are moving rapidly towards the certification of polio eradication. The Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) is coordinating wild poliovirus containment in Australia. A team led by Mrs Margery Kennett and Dr Heath Kelly is now preparing a National Plan for Polio Containment, which is required for certification of polio eradication. The Plan includes two main components - a national search for medical/biological laboratories and a national inventory. All laboratories will be contacted regardless of size and focus.Your cooperation is vital for this certification. You are in vited to register with us now so that we can contact you and provide further information. Please contact:
Ms Nittita Prasopa-Plaizier,
National Coordinator of polio containment and AFP surveillance on:
Phone: 03-9342 2603
Fax: 03 9342 2665
E-mail: nittita.prasopa-plaizier@nwhcn
This article was published in Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 24, Supplement, March 2000.
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